
The Power of Youth As Catalysts of Change

Youth participating in a protest against the lack of action regarding climate change
(Photo Credit: Markus Spiske)

According to the United Nations, we currently live in a world in which there are 1.2 billion youth, aged 15 to 24. Time and time again, this age demographic has proven itself to be at the forefront of social movements and initiatives. Even within our communities, we see individuals of all socioeconomic backgrounds striving to initiate change in pursuit of forming their ideal future. An emerging area of research is beginning to show that youth involvement can contribute to both personal, as well as community development (Ginwright and James, 2002).

Despite having displayed persistence and determination, even when against the odds, today’s society still undermines youth as agents of change. This is a direct reflection of the widespread misconception that youth don’t deserve to have a say in handling present issues. Even if young people know what is best for themselves, without sufficient support and enablement, it can become quite difficult to rise to their full potential. As a result, it becomes incredibly hard for youth to achieve what they are capable of, and even more so for those who may not have the education or knowledge they require. 

The Beginning of EEqual

In order for youth to realize their power in society, they must receive the necessary resources and encouragement needed. Hence, EEqual works towards its mission of “mitigating the impacts of education inequality for students experiencing poverty,” to help turn the youth of today into the leaders of tomorrow. 

Since its launch, EEqual has contributed over 15,000 dollars in scholarships for students experiencing homelessness. In addition, it has volunteered more than 2000 hours of service to help students acquire an education. However, the journey that led to the start of EEqual presented its own challenges. 

Youth involvement in the non-profit organization, Helping The Homeless Colorado
Helping The Homeless Colorado distributing supplies to the local community

EEqual’s Vision For Youth

To provide others with the same support, aid, and education they had the privilege of receiving, Helping the Homeless went through a complete rebranding and transitioning to EEqual, a 501(c)(3) youth-led non-profit working to support students in poverty and homelessness. EEqual has a vision to make it possible for every student to receive an “EEqual” opportunity to achieve their full potential in education regardless of economic status. We hope to help bridge the gap and enable these students to build a better life for themselves and increase youth involvement in our world. 

As we continue to grow, we want you to be a part of our journey. Subscribe to our Newsletter here to stay up to date with EEqual!

Community Development, Education Inequality, Students Experiencing Poverty, Youth Involvement, Youth-Led Non-Profit

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