EEqual Chapters Program

Different Regions, One Mission.

EEqual Chapters are a network of clubs led by youth activists from across the country who are committed to EEqual's mission of ending student homelessness through community service and education awareness campaigns. Chapters can be established anywhere -  high schools, community centers, and teen clubhouses to name a few! Chapters are vital to EEqual's operation because together we can strive for education equity while supporting our vulnerable peers.

Here's how it works...

All youth ages 14 - 21 are invited to become a Chapter President by establishing a Chapter at their school or community organization. Chapter Presidents will recruit students to become Chapter members, hold monthly Chapter meetings, and over see all Chapter activities. Once a quarter, EEqual will send Chapter Presidents action items, service projects, and educational material for the Chapter to work on! The goal of Chapter activities is to start conversations among Chapter Members and their community, increase member education on student homelessness, and give back to the community through service projects. Chapters are always in communication with full time EEqual staff, receiving all the materials and guidance needed to successfully run their Chapter.


What is a Chapter?

Chapters are branches of EEqual, established by youth activists within their local communities across the United States. Chapters give young people the autonomy to make an impact on the issue of student homelessness through advocacy and community action. Barriers to education and issues facing unhoused student populations vary from region to region and Chapters work to positively enact change in their home town.

Who has to be involved in starting a Chapter?

Every Chapter is given the autonomy to decide how best to lead and manage their chapter within their community. EEqual as an organization provides all the materials need for successful chapter activity, but it is up to each individual chapter to decide how to pursue these action items. We do require each Chapter to have a Chapter President and, if that president is under the age of 18, an adult sponsor. 

To establish a Chapter you must have:

1) A Chapter President
2) A Chapter Sponsor (If the president is under the age of 18)
3) A Chapter Instagram account (EEqual staff will assist with creating this account upon establishment)

What do Chapters do every month?

Every 2 Months (Quarterly) Chapter Members will receive a fun care package from EEqual consisting of action cards, information about student homelessness, marketing materials, and details about a service project. Action cards are a summary of the quarter's activities detailing what your Chapter will be working on.

Action items will be different for every quarter and will provide every Chapter with the tools to enact change within their community and make a difference in the lives of unhoused students. Activities could range from hosting collections & food drives, presenting to local legislators for policy reform, or taking part in an awareness campaign meant to educate their community on the issues that our most vulnerable unhoused peers face.

Why should I start a Chapter?

By starting a chapter you will be joining a growing network of youth activists across the nation, committed to creating change in their communities. The more chapters established, the greater our collective impact will be towards ending the student homelessness crisis.

Chapter members gain leadership experience and their involvement looks great on college applications! As a member you will be part of a national movement with the knowledge that you are making a difference in the lives of this generation and the next!

How old do I have to be to start a Chapter?

Chapter President ages can range from 14 - 21, however, we require that every person under the age of 18 have an adult sponsor.

Why do I need an Adult Sponsor?

As a for youth - by youth organization, it is important to us that youth activists within Chapters are given the freedom and authority to manage the work within their own community on their own. However, for our Chapter Presidents under the age of 18, it is important to have an adult sponsor who can be present to ensure the chapter is supported should any issues arise.

Adult Sponsors are meant to be a supporting entity, taking a backseat role in all chapter activity and acting as an overseer to Chapter functions.

Do you want to get involved in a Chapter but do not want to start one yourself?

Contact our EEqual Chapters Staff Members to find Chapters located nearest to you! If there is no Chapter near you, you can always join a virtual chapter team for those who want to make a difference no matter where you are! Contact us today at:

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For more information or for further clarification about chapters feel free to contact us at: