The Inequities in Education Need To Be Resolved

This year, 3.7 million students will graduate from high school, and 2.5 million students will pursue post-secondary education. Although exciting, the celebration that follows college acceptance and graduation is not a privilege afforded to everyone. According to the National Center for Homeless Education, 49 to 86% of students experiencing homelessness graduate high school in 4 years, compared to an 88% graduation rate for all students. 

Students experiencing homelessness often lack the resources necessary to build a resume, apply to college, and gain sufficient financial aid. In addition, schools do not prepare students for the academic rigor of college. As of the 2017-18 school year, only 27% of students experiencing homelessness tested proficiently on standardized tests (Education Week). This inequity in education prevents students experiencing homelessness from obtaining a college education. 

A college education provides students with the opportunity to overcome the challenges that keep them in a state of homelessness. Students gain the knowledge and skills necessary to craft a thoughtful resume, gain work experience, and start a career while in college.

A career allows students to maintain job security and earn a living wage. However, private universities have a high cost of attendance (despite having generous financial aid packages), and public universities are less equipped to provide students with housing, advising, and financial support. A lack of support in the education system leads to high dropout rates; a study by the Center for Promise found that students experiencing homelessness were 87% more likely than stably-housed students to drop out of college. 

By providing students with the financial resources to continue their education, you invest in students and society. EEqual is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit supporting students experiencing homelessness through its two pillars: Perform and Inform. EEqual has the vision to give every student an “EEqual” opportunity to achieve their full potential in education regardless of economic status through these programs. 

As EEqual continues to grow, we want you to be a part of your nonprofit’s journey. Subscribe to our newsletter here to stay up to date with EEqual.

Education, Education Inaccessibility, Education Inequality, Higher Education, Youth Experiencing Homelessness and Poverty