
The Most Prevalent Misconceptions Surrounding Homelessness

As said by Don Burnes during his Ted Talk, “Ending Homelessness: Why Aren’t We There Yet,” the difference between housed and people experiencing homelessness is that housed people have a home. Of course, there exist other differentiating factors, such as available resources. However, this quote sheds light on the fact that individuals experiencing homelessness feel emotions, have dreams and goals, and are unique individuals just like everyone else. 

A person’s entire character is not dependent on the fact that they are experiencing homelessness. Moreover, there should not exist a stereotype for people experiencing homelessness. Every person is special in their own right and experiencing homelessness is simply an addition to their life story and not an addition to their character. On the topic of stereotypes, the following are the five most common perceptions of people experiencing homelessness today.

1. People Choose To Experience Homelessness

Perhaps the most widespread perception is that those experiencing homelessness are in that situation by choice. In reality, there exist a multitude of factors that can lead to the situation, many of which are out of one’s control. Whether it be economic changes that lead to job loss or familial pressures that cause one to leave their home, there is often limited choice in the matter. For example, according to a study conducted by the Williams Institute at UCLA Law in 2012, 40% of the 1.6 million young people experiencing homelessness in the United States identify as LGBT. Of those, 46% ran away to avoid rejection and 43% were forcibly kicked out.

2. All Those Who Are Experiencing Homelessness Have Made Bad Choices

If people have not chosen to be homeless, the automatic assumption is that they have made bad choices throughout their life. Drug or alcohol abuse and criminal actions are what people generally think those “choices” are. Though the aforementioned assumption is not necessarily false, it is not a blanket statement that can describe all people experiencing homelessness. As mentioned previously, many are forced into homelessness due to situations they had no influence over. Additionally, individuals who are experiencing homelessness are more likely to commit crimes to get by, as opposed to crimes being the reason they are experiencing homelessness.

3. People Experiencing Homelessness Are Lazy

Some are quick to assume that people experiencing homelessness are too lazy to find a job. Considering that many jobs in the retail industry require limited experience, it is seemingly easy to obtain a job in that field. However, there are multiple requirements aside from experience. You must be able to craft and print a resume, dress in a presentable manner, travel to the job, and have basic numeracy skills. For the majority of us, these requirements are easy to meet. But for people experiencing homelessness, these actions are out of reach, and they cannot afford it.

Photo Credits: Nathan Denette

4. People Experiencing Homelessness Only Live On The Streets

If one were to ask a large group where people experiencing homelessness live, many would respond with “on the street.” This is a factual statement and true for the majority. However, it is not limited to only that. Individuals experiencing homelessness may reside in homeless shelters, cars, or at their friend’s houses. They may even be students at a university or college like our scholar, Ruby Star. This is something we should all remain mindful of.

5. There Exist Enough Services To Aid People Experiencing Homelessness

Lastly, many believe that there are a sufficient number of services available for helping those experiencing homelessness. Though many homeless shelters and non-profit organizations, like EEqual, work towards supplying resources to those experiencing homelessness, it is not enough to end homelessness. Housing and regular income are still hard to acquire, despite the existing support, and the issue, as a whole, does not receive enough attention. Overall, we still have a long way to go in terms of eradicating homelessness.

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