
Courage in Perseverance: Refugee Student On Her Struggles With Homelessness

We often read stories of success that credit victories to knowledge, preparation, creativity, and on the rare occasion, luck. However, what society fails to acknowledge is that determination and perseverance in the face of failure are what ultimately drives an individual to succeed. Without this critical quality, one cannot overcome the feeling of disappointment of having to try again to reach their goal. It can leave them feeling unmotivated, especially when all that is showcased in the media is the lives of those who surmounted the seemingly impossible.

The defining characteristic of these stories, however, is that each individual dared to be persistent. Displaying this courage is not limited to only them as we must remember that none of us get to where we are in life without some level of persistence and determination. Every single person should be proud of what they have achieved thus far, simply because they have had the courage to stand strong in the face of failure. 

While people often heavily rely on their ambition and intuition to navigate through life, the courage they have to withstand the trials in life makes them even stronger individuals. Yet, as Ruby says in her video, “they are at times afraid to speak up because they feel that they have failed themselves and society.” That is a conception that must change. 

Ruby Star and Her Story

Having immigrated from Romania to the United States in the 1980s, Ruby faced common difficulties and never fully settled as she switched schools and locations quite often. At the age of 18, she was kicked out of her house, but preserved through her senior year while she was living with a friend, using food stamps, and working two jobs. 

After graduating high school in 1994, she switched between living at people’s homes to renting out her studio, all while obtaining certifications and continuing to work. Eventually, she enrolled in the Paralegal Program at Kaiser College when her father suddenly passed away. This incident temporarily ended her academic journey, causing her to feel lost and return to work. During the following years, Ruby felt as if life had turned against her and was preventing her from growing emotionally, physically, and mentally.  

Regardless, Ruby had the courage to not accept defeat, even as tempting as it may have seemed after everything she had been through. In 2000, she moved to Colorado and eventually was able to rent an apartment. A couple of years later, she was homeless again and is currently living in motels but continues to pursue an Associates Degree of Science at Arapahoe Community College.

After watching the video linked above, it is evident that Ruby Star may not be representative of the average success stories you read about. But, from an alternative perspective, one can see that her story is a true display of courage, determination, and progress. Even though she might not have realized, she had the inner strength and power to persist despite her struggles. In the same way, many of us undermine our inner courage as well. 

The Role of EEqual

Towards the end of her video, Ruby says “we were created to be united.” This message is incredibly powerful in the sense that it emphasizes a societal nature that we have long abandoned. Moving forward, it is crucial that we support and strengthen the community through our actions instead of knocking it down. EEqual fulfills this obligation by helping students, like Ruby, achieve their full potential in education with equal access. We cannot let stories, like Ruby’s, get lost amongst the noise because only then will we be able to open our eyes to the world of possibility that exists when one has courage on their side. If you would like to help support other students like Ruby acquire the right to an education for as little as $3 a month, join the A+ club today. 

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#PowerTheFuture, courage, EEqual, EEqual Scholar, perseverance, Students experiencing food insecurity, Students Experiencing Poverty


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