Tag: Students Experiencing Poverty

Transgender Homelessness

Written By: Omar Raza | EEqual Content Creator The odds that transgender youth experience homelessness is 10 times their cisgender counterparts. In addition to this, unhoused transgender youth are twice as likely to miss school and attempt suicide 3 times as much on average in comparison to cisgender youth. This information gathered from Schoolhouse...

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The Consequential Impacts of Natural Disasters on Homelessness

By: Dana Olson | EEqual Content Writer Through the Misconceptions Surrounding How People Become Homeless, and many various issues surrounding The Health Implications For Those Experiencing Homelessness and Poverty, we can see the major obstacles and impacts of homelessness. However, one that is rarely touched on is the by-product of natural disasters...

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The Overlooked U.S. Student Population Experiencing Homelessness

A prominent, yet often overlooked segment of the United State’s homeless population is, surprisingly, students in primary, secondary, and post-secondary education. To put into perspective how large this segment is, over 1.5 million students reported experiencing homelessness during the 2017-18 school year, according to a study by the National Center for...

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Homelessness During The Holidays: An Alternate Perspective

Photo Credits: Oleg Magni In general, we characterize December with winter festivities and the celebration of holidays, most notably Christmas and Hanukkah. Since this month has a lot to offer in the way of events and time with family, the feelings of goodwill and happiness often consume us. Naturally, this is not the case for every individual but...

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The Power of Youth As Catalysts of Change

Youth participating in a protest against the lack of action regarding climate change (Photo Credit: Markus Spiske) According to the United Nations, we currently live in a world in which there are 1.2 billion youth, aged 15 to 24. Time and time again, this age demographic has proven itself to be at the forefront of social movements and initiatives....

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