The Health Implications For Those Experiencing Homelessness and Poverty

Aside from the social impacts, individuals experiencing homelessness and poverty also experience health impacts due to increased risk of disease and impaired access to health care. This often leads to future complications that vary depending on the individual, as both children, adults, and the elderly can experience homelessness at some point during their lifetime. In specifics, health for those experiencing homelessness is dependent on both the health issues they are at high risk for in their situation and their ability to access the health care system. In analyzing the connection between health and homelessness, we must consider these two factors, as each contributes to the overall understanding of the issue.

Common Health Issues Amongst Those Experiencing Homelessness

As mentioned previously, individuals experiencing homelessness are at high risk for certain illnesses due to harsh weather conditions, limited clothing, and generally insufficient diet, amongst other things. One’s living situation, in particular, has a heavy influence on general health. For those experiencing homelessness, being subjected to extreme hot and cold weather is not uncommon. Specifically, during the cold winter months, temperatures tend to drop below freezing while homeless shelters are filled to their capacity, leaving many without adequate shelter. This increases the likelihood of the development of conditions such as pneumonia within the lungs and hypothermia, both of which require immediate medical attention.

However, even with proper shelter, individuals experiencing homelessness must have enough weather appropriate clothing, which is often an out of reach expense.  A lack of clean, fresh clothing not only decreases job prospects for individuals experiencing homelessness but can also cause health issues if clothes are repeatedly worn, especially while wet. This allows for the breeding of harmful bacteria and fungal infections which, if left untreated, can lead to more severe repercussions such as amputations.

Aside from a lack of clothing, many individuals experiencing homelessness are also more likely to lack a nutritional diet and eat fewer meals a day compared to housed U.S. populations. Food stamps are provided to those in need but many who are eligible do not receive them. This connects to the larger issue of the availability of such services. As a result, anemia, growth problems, malnutrition, and nutrition-related health problems such as high blood pressure are becoming increasingly common amongst the U.S. homeless population.

The health issues that people experiencing homelessness face are not limited to the aforementioned examples. We must recognize that they are also at risk for infectious diseases such as tuberculosis and other diseases resulting from poor nutrition and hygiene, such as gum disease and AIDS.

The Inability To Easily Access Health Care Services By Those Experiencing Homelessness

Upon reading all of the health complications listed above, one may think that since they are common, they are easily preventable and/or treatable. Even for the average resident in the United States, this may not be the case and especially is not for those experiencing homelessness. Acquiring the most basic medical examinations and treatments while experiencing homelessness is incredibly difficult. This is a direct result of how expensive health care, hospital stays, and medications are.  At the very least, one should be able to get rest to recover from the flu or fever but without proper shelter, this is near impossible. This is not to say that there are not services put in place to help such individuals get the medicine and medical attention they require. However, even so, the maintenance of health is a routine expense that those experiencing homelessness cannot afford, as they do not have the means to regularly visit a doctor, purchase hygiene products, or store medications (e.g., insulin). As a result, many individuals experiencing homelessness are forced to ignore any pains or discomfort they may be feeling to focus their resources on living each day.

The Impact of Poor Health On The Likelihood of Success

Poor health may affect one while they are experiencing homelessness, but it can also be the reason they cannot seem to escape it. Health is not only limited to disease and infection as it also encompasses a wide range of mental health issues and disorders. Around 20% of individuals experiencing homelessness suffer from severe mental illness for which they have not been treated. This presents a large barrier in finding jobs, seeking shelter, or receiving donations. The possible results of being affected by diseases or infections also include limb amputations, permanent strain, or paralysis which almost immediately reduces the possibility of obtaining a viable source of income. Overall, more research is required on this topic but from what evidence currently exists, it is clear that a solution should be implemented that works to improve the health and longevity of those experiencing homelessness as they work to restructure their lives.

#healthcaresystem, #healthimplications, #studentsexperiencinghomelessness